Altar servers accompany our priests and bishops during the Liturgical celebration, and serve at funerals, weddings, daily masses, Sunday masses, School masses, confirmations, first communions, and anniversary masses.
Altar servers may look forward to serve at least once a month on Sundays, selected Saturdays, and Holy Days. Altar servers are usually baptized Catholics but, in harmony with our Chinese Apostolate, St. Therese is also open for those curious about the Catholic faith to serve at the altar. Altar servers should be excellent listeners, exhibit good attention to detail, and are service and community-oriented. Before serving on Sundays, training sessions are held and opportunities to serve at daily mass are offered. Furthermore, new altar servers are mentored by experienced altar servers at the daily masses. We welcome both boys and girls who have just had their 1st communion or have celebrated their confirmation to sign up for this integral role of parish life. Every year Altar servers are officially installed and are recognized during Altar Server Commissioning. A yearly outing also helps celebrate the contributions of altar servers. More details will be provided soon. |